Kategorier: Alla - liderazgo - ganancias - innovadores - prima

av Mathias Joaquin Flores Principe för 4 årar sedan


Los líderes más innovadores:

Las figuras clave en el ámbito de la innovación tecnológica han logrado impulsar significativamente el valor de sus empresas en el mercado. Tim Cook de Apple, Jeff Bezos de Amazon, Satya Nadella de Microsoft, Reed Hastings de Netflix, Larry Page y Sergey Brin de Alphabet, y Jeff Weiner de Linkedin son algunos de los nombres destacados.

Los líderes más innovadores:


Los líderes más innovadores:

A noun is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.

Satya Nadella

Compound nouns are words where two nouns have been stuck together to make a new noun. Compound nouns should be written as one word, without a hyphen.

Prima de innovación 26%

Tim Cook

Generic nouns are nouns that are part of a generic statement. Generic nouns can be singular or plural. The opposite of generic nouns is collective nouns.

The difference between definite/indefinite and generic nouns is that in the sentence there must be a blanket statement or question.

Prima de innovación 12%
Ganancias en bolsa en tres años 123%

Mark Zuckerberg

A concrete noun is a noun that can be identified through one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell).

Prima de innovación 70%

Jeff Bezos

Possessive nouns are nouns which possess something, normally another noun.

Prima de innovación 72.8%

Larry Page & Sergey Brin

Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted, even if the number might be extraordinarily high.

Uncountable nouns are nouns that come in a state or quantity which is impossible to count; liquids are uncountable, as are things which act
like liquids.

Prima de innovación 37.5%
Ganancias en bolsa en tres años 197%

Jeff Weiner

Common nouns are words for people, places or things that aren’t specific (as opposed to a proper noun which refers to only one person, place or thing).

Common nouns can be countable or uncountable, singular or plural.

Prima de innovación 60%

Reed Hastings

A noun which cannot be identified by using one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell).

Prima de innovación 71.5%
