Kategorier: Alla - poetry

av Lisa Lee för 15 årar sedan


Poetry terms

Various literary techniques and forms of poetry play essential roles in crafting expressive and impactful verses. One such technique is synecdoche, where a part of something is used to represent the whole or vice versa, often adding depth and complexity to the language.

Poetry terms

Poetry terms


And DID those FEET in ANcient TIMEWALK upon ENgland's MOUNtains GREEN?And WAS the HOly LAMB of GODOn ENgland's PLEASant PAStures SEEN?
Ex) This is one poetry:
- a line with 4 stressed words
- four metrical feet


The age of gold --Cranach's swaggering Venusdressed in carcanetand cestus, her splendorinvading the world's black edgeCarl Brennan
Ex) This is one tanka by Carl Brennan
1&3 line- 5 syllables 2,4 &5 line- 7 syllables
- It is a Japanese poem of 5 lines


Ex) Give me a hand --> the hand does not mean a real hand on your body. It means 'help'
- Whole represents a part or part represents the whole
- It is a way you explain the whole by part


Ex) soccer, hero, pencil, and open
- It is a metrical foot you use to show two syllables with one stressed and one unstressed.