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Empathy Map Template

Empathy Map Template

The axis empathy map template guides you through 4 categories of information about a user persona. Fill out each category to get an in-depth overview of your users/clients.

Keywords: empathy map, empathy maps, empathy diagram, business diagram, customer, customers, user, users, user personas, potential clients, business mind map.

Empathy Map Template

Empathy map (axis) template

This template uses two axes to split the screen into four areas. Fill out each area to perfectly portray your business's user personas.

This will help you develop a marketing strategy. After you identify all aspects, you get to know your user personas, and you can develop an improved strategy to grow your business.

Add user persona's action

Add what user persona does (actions).

These are the user persona's actions and behaviors regarding your brand/business (for example: price comparison, research, making a pro/con list, looking for recommendations, etc.).


In this category, you need to add what user persona thinks about your product/service or brand.

These thoughts are internal, and usually, they are not shared or expressed.


In this category, you need to add how your product/service makes the user persona feel.


In this category, you need to add what user persona does.

These are the user persona's actions and behaviors regarding your brand/business (for example: price comparison, research, making a pro/con list, looking for recommendations, etc.).


In this category, you need to add what user persona says about your product/service or brand.

You can find these phrases in reviews, email feedback, social media posts, etc.

Add user persona's feeling

Add how your product/service makes the user persona feel.

Add phrases the user persona says

Add phrases the user persona says about your product/service or brand.

You can find these phrases in reviews, email feedback, social media posts, etc.

Add phrases the user persona thinks.

Add what user persona thinks about your product/service or brand.

These thoughts are internal, and usually, they are not shared or expressed.


Varför använda en Mulquatro mind map-mall?

Tankekartor hjälper dig att brainstorma, skapa relationer mellan begrepp, organisera och generera idéer.

Mallar för mind maps är dock ett enklare sätt att komma igång, eftersom de är ramverk som innehåller information om ett specifikt ämne med vägledande instruktioner. I grund och botten är mind map-mallar en struktur som kombinerar alla element i ett specifikt ämne och fungerar som en utgångspunkt för din personliga mind map. De är en resurs som ger en praktisk lösning för att skapa en mind map om ett visst ämne, antingen för företag eller utbildning.

Mulquatro ger dig smarta mind map-mallar som gör att du kan fungera och tänka utan ansträngning.

En mall har olika funktioner:

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Ämnen med bakgrundstext


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