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Goal Setting Template

Goal Setting Template

Use this mind map to set your goals for personal growth, career, relationship, etc., therefore ensuring that you will have a clear vision of what you should be focusing on in your development.

Keywords: personal life, goal setting, personal growth, career, personal development, professional development

Goal Setting Template

Set your goals template

Use this Goal Setting template to set your goals for personal growth, career, relationship and have a clear view of what you should focus on at this moment in your life.

Writing down your goals will make it easier for you to complete them because you will better visualize every action you should take in order to achieve them.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is everywhere in our daily lives. We set goals almost every day for our health, career, vacation, etc.


We all have annoying traits, we might not be so aware of these but those around us are. Identify these and find ways to remove them your life.


Want to learn something new? It's never too late. Start now!

Public Service

Besides our own wellbeing, we are also a little responsible to leave a good place after us. Think about how you can contribute to your community.

Personal Growth

This is something that one should work on all their life. We are responsible for our growth. Set your goals! Are there any hobbies that you've always wanted to try? Any skills that you feel you should work on?



If you feel that your relationships or some of them are not at a level that you'd like them to be, you can find ways to improve. The first and most important step is identifying these relationships`!



Everyone has imagined at least once how their life should look like. Try to keep it realistic, plan your future income. After you decide your target, find ways to reach it.


Add information on how to improve your overall health. Keep in mind that mental and physical health are both very important! As the saying goes 'Mens sana in corpore sano'!



Add information about your career. What position are you in now? Where do you see yourself in the future? Set your goal now! And find ways to climb up the ladder.


Varför använda en Mulquatro mind map-mall?

Tankekartor hjälper dig att brainstorma, skapa relationer mellan begrepp, organisera och generera idéer.

Mallar för mind maps är dock ett enklare sätt att komma igång, eftersom de är ramverk som innehåller information om ett specifikt ämne med vägledande instruktioner. I grund och botten är mind map-mallar en struktur som kombinerar alla element i ett specifikt ämne och fungerar som en utgångspunkt för din personliga mind map. De är en resurs som ger en praktisk lösning för att skapa en mind map om ett visst ämne, antingen för företag eller utbildning.

Mulquatro ger dig smarta mind map-mallar som gör att du kan fungera och tänka utan ansträngning.

En mall har olika funktioner:

Beskrivande ämnen

Ämnen med bakgrundstext


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Du kan välja mellan en mängd olika mind map-mallar från Mulquatros konton för företag eller utbildning, eller så kan du skapa dina egna mind map-mallar från grunden. Varje mind map kan omvandlas till en mind map-mall genom att lägga till ytterligare vägledande kommentarer till ett av dess ämnen.