作者:paola puentes 7 年以前
Basic ideas en smantics
There are various types of sentences, each serving different purposes in communication. Imperatives are commonly used to give instructions or warnings, while declarative sentences relay information by following grammatical rules to form propositions.
PUENTES MARTINEZ PAOLA ANDREA They can be represented and delineated in written language in many ways. In general, it is used to give instructions, instructions or warnings. Inperatives Is used express a sudden emotion. It could be fear, anger, anxiety, admiration, excitement etc. Exclamatory Is one that asks a direct question and always ends in a question mark. Interrogative Are simply statements that relay information. DECLARATIVE In uttering a declarative sentence a speaker typically asserts a proposition. The state of affairs typically involves persons or things referred to by expressions in the sentence and the situation or action they are involved in. Is that part of the meaning of the utterance of a
declarative sentence which describes some state of affairs. SEMANTICS Sentences Is a string of words gathered by the grammatical rules of a
language. Ultterances Prepositions