作者:Frans Sugeng 7 年以前
The text outlines a comprehensive breakdown of the components and mechanics for a board game, including cards, miniatures, and various tokens. It highlights the use of specialized cards such as '
Board Game Cards, tokens & miniatuares buildings 3D printed miniatures meeples "house Cards" "command counters" power tokens coins "trade goods" "political Cards" action cards mechanic rng conquer area control upgrades everybody loves upgrades EVERYBODY LOVES UPGRADES
morale/honor good/evil scale negative and positive scale resulting in different usage of Cards or abilities victory points timer some artifical timer like Rounds or vp 4X Go 4x? invent the wheel? Wheel? some spinning part like tzolkiel or some wheel like pbricka "strategy Cards variant" die not for movement, perhaps for fighting board Small Milky way galaxy with larger planet pieces World map 4 split board "puzzle pieces" square tiles static map hexes theme skogens/sago väsen rymden sci-fi naturkatastrofer fantasy resor civilisationsuppbyggnad krig monster