作者:Sunil Mehrotra 16 年以前
The text highlights various lessons and topics related to industry analysis and strategic management. Key themes include the supply chain's role and potential industry earnings, with a focus on value addition by each member.
MBAM619 Lesson 7 Topic 6b Demand Side Increasing Returns Lesson 8 Topic 7 SWOT Analysis Converting Resources to Capabilities ARC analysis Lesson 9 Topic 8 Balanced Score Card Topic 7 Continued Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 6 Topic 6a Incumbency Advantages Lesson 5 Topic 5b Differentiation and Product and Brand Mapping Topic 5a Spectrum/Intensity of Competition Porter's 5 forces insightSubtopic Lesson 4 Topic 4 Continued Lesson 3 Industry Supply Chain and Potential Earningns Concept of PIE (potential industry earnings) Value Added by each member in the supply chain Industry value/supply chain Industry Analysis Industry life-cycle and creative destruction Measures of Industry Attractiveness Definition of an Industry Lesson 2 PEST Analysis Continued Lesson 1 PEST Analysis PEST framework for identifying Opportunities and Threats Using the Internet for PEST Analysis What is PEST analysis? Power of Visual Thinking in Strategic Management Role of the CEO Strategic Mangement Framework Visual Thinking