类别 全部 - practical - social - helping - athletics

作者:PAPI suc 8 年以前



Tyler Nyamayaro envisions an ideal career as an athletic trainer, aligning with his extroverted and social nature. His personality assessments highlight a strong inclination towards sensing, thinking, and perceiving, with a significant emphasis on extroversion.


Tyler Nyamayaro

Holland Career Search

Realistic 2
Artistic 1

Social 20

Conventional 1

16 Career Clusters

Box 10, Box 11, Box 12

Jung Typology Test

Extrovert 56%
Sensing 9%
Thinking 1%

Perceiving 6%

My Perfect Job

my perfect job would be a athletic trainer

according to all my research and test i found out that i'm a extrovert, i am a very social person. I like to help people with their feelings. I like to talk to people and do active things. Im a feeler i have to feel something with my hands to get it. Im not that smart so I have usually watch something or do a hand activity to get it. I know i will always be a social person because i love to hang with friends.

Reasearch Your Career

R 12
I 16
E 7
S 5
A 11
G 12

Personality Video

i am extrovert, feeler , practical and unstructured