作者:Shane Ramsaroop 3 年以前
Shane Ramsaroop
The individual has a diverse and active academic and extracurricular profile. They are involved in several clubs, including archery and an anime club, and participate in a campus radio station.
Shane Ramsaroop Community Service Volunteer at Library Food Pantry Thirst Project Volunteer at Highschool Internships Bank Internship Finace Intership Management intership Study Abroad Greece Japan London Scholarship Community Service Scholarship Athletic Scholarship Academic Scholarship Research Philosophy Phycology History Self-Care Work Out Meditate Read 10 Honors MGT 3120 H MKT 3000 H ANT 1001 H ENV 1004 H LAW 1101 H CIS 2200 H Eco 1002 H Eco 1001 H Com 2020 H English 2150 H Majors/Minors Finance Accountancy Computer Information systems Management Outside Interest Computers/Electronics Video Games Anime/Manga Clubs Anime Club WBMB Radio Archery Baruch AIESEC