作者:Oleksandr Zaiko 4 年以前
Spicy Sale (Team 4 )
A comprehensive project involves numerous critical tasks across various phases, including initial development, rigorous testing, thorough training, and eventual publishing. The project encompasses different platforms, with specific attention to IOS, Android, and web applications.
Spicy Sale Final user training End user training Provide training Catering Publishing materials Find a teacher Lesson material Video tutorial Final approvement Video tutorial shooting Editor
Sound director
Director of photography
Approvement Script User Guide Publishing User guide adjustments External stakeholders approvement Create user guide template App publishing Web version deploy to production server IOS app Android app Testing IOS test results Android test results General test results Database information gathering Database information Gathering customers information Gathering products information IOS development Android development CMR development Design IOS app design Android app design CRM design HR Contract with employee on-boarding Legal and Security department agreement Candidate testing Candidate searching Positions list Salary Requirements for candidate PM Project Plan WBS Creating network diagram
Project charter Business case Final version approvement Discussion Creating basic version