"Software-aplikazio adituak Mulquatrok Editors' Aukera-saria bere produktuak mind mapping software ren alderdi indartsuak biltzen dituelako ezagutza kudeatzeko zerbitzuen alderdi sozialekin batera. Biribilketa honetan berrikusitako bosten artean hesi sozialaren edo mapping-aren bi aldeak ukitzen dituen produktu bakarra da. Hau da buru-mapa aplikazioen kategoria zabalagoek beti egin behar dutena."
Build clear roadmaps of your work process: start from the key goals, then branch out into actionable steps based on a given timeline.
Break down goals into specific tasks, and see exactly who needs to do what, when, and what resources they need.
Diverge your thinking together with colleagues and external collaborators to generate more creative ideas and solutions.
Create an overview of your project that you can access at any time to evaluate your progress and identify any necessary improvements.
Work backward from your end goal to build a visual and engaging representation of your workflow: what to do, when, and how to do it.
Compile, organize and share strategic-level ideas in one big picture that is easy to understand and refine with people in your organization.
See the big picture of your business at a glance, everything from your value proposition, market need, competition, to funding, financial projections, and milestones.
Benefit from the mind map layout to collect all information in a centralized place, invite co-organizers to collaborate, and make your way from brainstorming to execution.
Visually think through the purpose of the meeting, the information to be presented and the schedule, then share everything with all the attendees.
Kickstart your project by brainstorming in a mind map, then shift to the Gantt Chart mode to schedule tasks and monitor how everything comes together toward project completion.
Break down projects into more manageable sets of tasks, then see how they impact each other and the overall progress of the project.
E-mail notifications are sent whenever tasks are assigned, due, overdue, completed, or updated.
Collaborate within a team or with external partners and your project plans will update automatically and real-time for everyone.
When you reschedule a task with dependencies, all dependent tasks will be automatically rescheduled.
Mind maps allow you and your collaborators to brainstorm independently, then effortlessly combine the information to reveal the full spectrum of ideas.
All the mind maps you create or move in this folder will become instantly accessible and editable for the rest of your team, no additional sharing needed.
Share your maps with other people and give them fully premium editing rights even if they are free or yet unregistered Mulquatro users.
Create user groups to share mind maps quickly with whole teams or departments.
Develop work breakdown structures (WBS) to help you monitor your achievements
Keep an eye on the completed tasks while focusing on what's left to accomplish
List key milestones, deliverables, goals, project resources, roles, and responsibilities
Develop meeting minutes to record information about the attendees, objectives and agenda items, resources, special notes, etc.
Manage the workflow of your team in real-time
Give fully premium editing rights to free or yet unregistered Mulquatro users.
Put diagrams in a dedicated folder where they are instantly accessible and editable by any team member.
Mind maps with assignable tasks and Gantt chart creation
"Era guztietako proiektuen plangintzarako Mulquatro hartu dugu. Han egunero nago. Besterik gabe, ez dago modu hoberik hainbeste pentsamendu planifikatzeko eta nire taldekideekin partekatzeko."
Sistemen arkitektoa
"Mulquatro tresna bikaina eta polifazetikoa da. Plangintzatik hasi eta ideia-jasarako denetarako erabiltzen dugu, diagrama sinpleetatik dokumentu estrategiko garrantzitsuetaraino. Oso gomendatua!"
"Eskuragarri dauden buru mapak egiteko tresna ezagun guztiak probatu ditut eta Mulquatro denetan errazena, ezaugarri aberatsena eta merkeena dela ikusi dut."
Marketing Digitaleko aholkularia
Buru mapak egiteko berria? Mulquatro hastea erraza da eta dohainik eskura daiteke.