"Zorionekoa izan nintzen Mulquatro mind mapping-a ezagutzera emateaz eta benetan harritu naiz neure burua zein erraza eta indartsua izan den erabiltzea."
Senior bazkidea
"I tested several mind mapping applications and I chose Mulquatro for its set of features and its power in formatting text and blocks."
IS Manager - CIO
Break out of linear thinking, think broad, think sideways, and see all the ideas that might take you to your next big step.
Start with a dream or a goal and branch out over and over again until you end up with ideas that are specific and doable.
Build a roadmap to success where you see entire to-do lists at a glance and focus on tasks that take priority in your schedule.
Get a clear overview of your tasks to identify any gaps between what you've planned and what you actually achieved.
Let your mind think the way it was built to think, by connecting keywords to key images and identifying connections that generate more and more ideas.
Put your idea in the center of the diagram, branch out into different perspectives you can look at it from, then further develop these branches with relevant details.
Build a bigger picture of your ideas and your mind will naturally spot any existing relationships and work to find new connections.
Gather all the elements of the problem in one visual take and open up your mind to various possibilities of solving the issue.
Visualize all the information connected to your decision so you can analyze the situation with a clear overview of pros, cons, risks, and outcomes.
Use mind maps to build your own unique frame of mind that lets you focus on overcoming life problems, eliminating unhelpful habits, managing emotions, and achieving goals.
Build a SWOT analysis mind map to focus on your strengths and weaknesses, and to identify the opportunities for improvement and the threats you are facing in achieving your goals.
Check if your goals are SMART by creating a mind map that answers questions like: what do I want to achieve, can I measure my progress, is my goal attainable and relevant?
Mindmap your tasks to see what to focus on first in order to achieve your goals, how long it will take and if you need help from anyone else.
Keep your plans simple and at the forefront of your mind, and you will be working smarter instead of longer.
Create task lists for your daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly plan, attach the resources you need, then set deadlines to motivate yourself.
Share mind maps via e-mail or guest link with others who can improve your planning and help you get things done.
Add icons to quickly spot priority tasks, use colors and shapes to point things out, and insert images and videos to make information more appealing.
Turn any mind map into an outline, Gantt Chart or even a presentation depending on how you want to move forward with your ideas.
Mind maps help you clarify your thoughts and reflect on your performance: follow the track of your ideas, search for colors and shapes to see what's important, and quickly reorganize everything if you need to.
Take advantage of concept maps - short words, images, and labeled connections will quickly refresh your memory and keep you on track.
Keep track of all the changes you and any other people make on a diagram: added topics, new connections, uploaded images and videos, etc.
Use the overview functionality on each task list to see the tasks you completed and all their connected resources.
Turn your diagram into a Gantt Chart to follow where tasks begin and end, and how they overlap and relate with one another.
Buru mapak egiteko berria? Mulquatro hastea erraza da eta dohainik eskura daiteke.