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Business continuity plan template

Business continuity plan template

Improve your chances by planning for emergency situations in advance. The process of identifying risks can reveal gaps in normal operations.

Close them before anything happens to reduce your exposure to risk.

Keywords: business organization, business management, business analysis, milestones, organization risks, plan for emergency situations

Business continuity plan template

Business continuity plan template

Use this business continuity plan template to identify risks and improve your chances of success.

There are different types of risks: staff risk, physical risk, IT risk, operations risk, legal/financial risk, PR risk, etc. Try to understand their impact and to find ways of detection, recovery, and prevention.

Add your team member’s name in the template, ensuring that you have representation for many departments.

Choose a critical staff member. He should be prepared with recovery strategies in case of a major incident.

Add a core service or function and a critical supplier.

Add a communication audience to whom you will communicate your plan in case they will need to take action.

Think about ways to train your employees in order to be prepared in case an incident occurs.

Add a milestone for your business continuity plan.

Where to next?

Where to next?

Download this mind map to keep track of your business continuity planning project.

Organization Name

Type in your organization's name

Critical suppliers


Add a critical supplier for your organization

Where would failure in the supply chain cause significant problems?

These suppliers should be referenced in the risks section, and you should have a recovery strategy to cope with problems with your suppliers.

Core services


Add a core service or function

Core services are the ones that are critical to the survival of your organization - the ones without which you would not have customers or business.

These services or functions should be the first to be recovered in the event of a disaster.

Critical staff

Add a critical staff member

Critical staff members are the ones on whom you will depend when a major incident occurs.

You will need to ensure that your critical staff members are trained and can be easily contacted.

Make sure that a copy of the contact list is kept off-site.

Planning team

Team member

Add a team member

Ensure that you have representation for:



Add a milestone for your business continuity planning project, and set dates.

Think about:

Training and testing


Who needs to be trained in your emergency procedures?


What action will you take to train 'Trainee'?




Add a communication audience

Who will you need to communicate parts of your plan to? Who needs to take action, stay informed or be reassured?



What action will you take to communicate with 'Audience'? What will they need to know?

Think about:



Add a location where you have people, assets, and operations that will be covered by your plan.

Risks and responses

Other risks

Are there any other risks not covered above?

What is the impact of "Other risks" on your business? What level of resources is appropriate for dealing with it and recovering from it?

Rate the impact by clicking an icon:

Major- poses a critical risk to business

Survivable - causes problems that can be fixed

Minor - no recovery action needed

Incident detection and notification

Add recovery procedures

If the impact from "Other risks" is not minor:

Add prevention measures

Public relations
PR risk

Add a PR risk that may affect your business

Also think about things that your customers will notice, even if they are not widely publicized:

What is the impact of "PR risk" on your business? What level of resources is appropriate for dealing with it and recovering from it?

Rate the impact by clicking an icon:

Major- poses a critical risk to business

Survivable - causes problems that can be fixed

Minor - no recovery action needed

Add prevention measures

Add recovery procedures

If the impact from "PR risk" is not minor:

Incident detection and notification

Legal & financial
Legal / financial risk

Add a legal or financial risk that may affect your business.

Think about:

Incident detection and notification

Add prevention measures

What is the impact of "Legal / financial risk" on your business? What level of resources is appropriate for dealing with it and recovering from it?

Rate the impact by clicking an icon:

Major- poses a critical risk to business

Survivable - causes problems that can be fixed

Minor - no recovery action needed

Add recovery procedures

If the impact from "Legal / financial risk" is not minor:

Operations risk

Add a operations' risk that may affect your business.

Think about:

Add prevention measures

What is the impact of "Operations risk" on your business? What level of resources is appropriate for dealing with it and recovering from it?

Rate the impact by clicking an icon:

Major- poses a critical risk to business

Survivable - causes problems that can be fixed

Minor - no recovery action needed

Add recovery procedures

If the impact from "Operations risk" is not minor:

Incident detection and notification

Information security
IT risk

Add a IT risk that may affect your business.

Think about:

What is the impact of "IT risk" on your business? What level of resources is appropriate for dealing with it and recovering from it?

Rate the impact by clicking an icon:

Major- poses a critical risk to business

Survivable - causes problems that can be fixed

Minor - no recovery action needed

Incident detection and notification

Add prevention measures

Add recovery procedures

If the impact from "IT risk" is not minor:

Physical security
Physical risk

Add a physical risk that may affect your business.

Think about:

Add recovery procedures

If the impact from "Physical risk" is not minor:

What is the impact of "Physical risk" on your business? What level of resources is appropriate for dealing with it and recovering from it?

Rate the impact by clicking an icon:

Major- poses a critical risk to business

Survivable - causes problems that can be fixed

Minor - no recovery action needed


How quickly will "Impact" happen?

How quickly will this impact materialize? Faster responses are needed for fast-acting impacts.

Estimate a timeframe by clicking an icon below.

Short term - hours or days

Medium term - days to weeks

Longer term - weeks to months

Add prevention measures

Incident detection and notification

Staff risk

Add a business risk that may originate from your staff.

Think about:


Add prevention measures



Add recovery procedures

If the impact from "Staff risk" is not minor:


Incident detection and notification


What is the impact of "Staff risk" on your business? What level of resources is appropriate for dealing with it and recovering from it?

Rate the impact by clicking an icon:

Major- poses a critical risk to business

Survivable - causes problems that can be fixed

Minor - no recovery action needed

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