Kategoriak: All - exposure - causation - bias - hypothesis

arabera Vanessa Meza 6 years ago


Observational Study Designs1

Different analytic study designs are employed to test hypotheses and address causation in medical research, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Nested case-control studies are more cost-effective and efficient but may suffer from reduced precision due to sampling.

Observational Study Designs1

Analytic Study Designs Test the hypothesis. Address the causation.

Nested Case Control

Disadvantages: - Reduce precision due to sampling of controls
Advantages: - Less expensive - Efficient
Description: the controls are sample of individuals who are at risk for the disease at each of the cases are matched with controls that do not have the disease

Case Cohort

Disadvantages: - complicated statistical analysis
Advantages: - possible to study multiple diseases
Description: - cases are selected by those who have developed the disease of interest and before the controls


Disadvantages: - losses to follow up - requires large samples - expensive - long time to complete
Advantages: - find out incidence and rate - establish cause and effect - minimize selection and bias
Description: -population exposure status is known from the start - start with disease free people - addresses disease at the follow up - 3 cate: prospectively, retrospectively, ambidirectional

Case Control

Disadvantages: - Low data quality - difficult finding control group
Advantages: - Good for studying rare conditions - Look at multiple risk factors - Establish relationship
Description: -study that studies cases to controls -Controls must be similar to the cases -Known as retrospective study

Descriptive Study Designs Describes the events. Answers the what, who, where. Generates the hypothesis


Description: - exposure & disease measured at the same time - assesses prevalence of the outcome
Advantages: - study nonfatal & chronic conditions - measures

Disadvantages: - relationship b/w exposure and disease may be difficult to establish - Does not reflect a casual relationship

Ecological Studies

Description: Data analyzed at the population or group level rather than individuals.
Advantages: - Easier - Hypothesis is new

Disadvantages: - Ecological fallacy-placing characteristics of a group to every individual in that group

Case Series

Description: Subjects common characteristics Describes some aspect of disease treatment, exposure, or diagnostic procedure
Advantages: - Informative - Characterize averages for disorder

Disadvantages: - No cause/effect relationship - Doesn't assess disease frequency


Description: Detail Generates Hypothesis Single Cases New findings/unique
Advantages: - Find new diseases - ID rare manifestations -

Disadvantages: - No generalization - No cause/effect relationship

Observational Study Designs