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'About Me Template

'About Me Template

Self-mastery will take you to success! Get to know yourself by thinking about your feelings, personality, and dreams!

Keywords: interactive exercises, learning about yourself, self-awareness exercise

'About Me Template

'About me' template for kids

Use this 'About me' template for kids to note down the most important things about you: personal information, aspirations, and characteristics.

It can be used by children as a school activity in order to find out more things about themselves that didn’t think about before.

They will have to think about what they like and dislike.

They will have to think about their personality traits and looks to find out more about who they are. It is also important for them to figure out what they want to become or at least think about it by writing down the name of their role model and their ideal job.

My name

Type in your name.


Type in the things you don't like.

Thing I dislike


Favorite subject

Type in your favorite subject at school.

My favorite subject
School name

Type in your school name.


Role model

Type in your role model.

My role model
Dream job

Type in your dream job.

My dream job

Important thing to know about me

Type in an important thing people should know about you.


Type in the things you like.

Thing I like


Type in the personality traits you have.

My personality trait


Other defining features

Type in other defining features you have.

My hair color

Type in your hair color.

Hair color
My eye color

Type in your eye color.

Eye color

Personal information

My pets

Type in the names of your pets.

My family members

Type in the names of your family members.

Family member

Type in the name of your hometown.


Type in your nationality.


Type in your birthdate.


Type in your age.

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Hala ere, buru-mapen txantiloiak hasteko modu errazagoa eskaintzen dute, irakasgai zehatz bati buruzko informazioa duten markoak baitira jarraibide orientatzaileak. Funtsean, buru-mapen txantiloiak irakasgai zehatz baten elementu guztiak batzen dituen egitura bermatzen du eta zure buru-mapa pertsonalerako abiapuntu gisa balio du. Gai jakin bati buruzko mapa mentala sortzeko irtenbide praktikoa emateko baliabideak dira, bai negozioetarako, bai hezkuntzarako.

Mulquatrok esfortzurik gabe funtzionatzeko eta pentsatzeko aukera ematen duten buru-mapen txantiloi adimendunak eskaintzen dizkizu.

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Mulquatroren negozio- edo hezkuntza-kontuetako buru-mapen txantiloietatik aukera dezakezu, edo zure buru-mapa txantiloiak sor ditzakezu hutsetik. Edozein buru-mapa adimen-mapa txantiloi-mapa bihur daiteke bere gaietako bati gida-ohar gehiago gehituz.