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Author Biography Template

Author Biography Template

Use this mind map to create a biography for your chosen author, from personal timeline to their publications and inspiration sources.

Keywords: writing, biography, characterization

Author Biography Template

How to use the Author Biography Template

Learn how to create an author biography using this mind map template. Complete all the sections from the mind map and you will have a detailed biography.

In the Personal timeline section write the place and date of birth, the family connections, education, and jobs.

In the Publications section add details regarding the author’s work, like the publishing house they are working for and titles of publications.

In the Likes section add the author’s hobbies and interests, food preferences, etc.

In the Dislikes section add things that the author dislikes.

In the Inspirations section add the things that inspired the author and his writing style. You can add people’s names, places, or events he participated in.

In the Major accomplishments section add the honors, prizes, and titles that the author won.

Name of the author

Add the name of the author.

Major accomplishments

Add their major accomplishments, honors, prizes, titles that the author won.



You can add here people, places or events that took part in the author's character formation.

Influential location
Influential dates
Influental events


Add the author's dislikes.


Add the author's likes: this category is wide, you can mention their hobbies, food preference, any other likes. etc.


You can add further details regarding the author's work, like which publishing house they are/were working for. You can add their publications too.

Publishing House

Personal timeline

At the personal timeline, add the author's personal information, their family connections, education and jobs.

Date and place of birth
Family connections

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