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Decision-making template

Decision-making template

Are you looking for visual support where you could highlight the multiple solutions, as well as the pros and cons that will help you with your decision-making process? Look no further, use this mind map and you will be able to easily weigh your option, making sure you choose the best solution.

Keywords: personal life, decision making, solutions to problems, pros and cons

Decision-making template

Decision-making template

Use this decision-making template to highlight the solutions you can put into practice and the Pros and Cons for all of them. I will help you make good decisions.

At first type in the goals that you are going to accomplish, then type in the multiple solutions that can be used, and at the end, after considering all the options and balancing out the advantages and disadvantages, establish your final decision.

Decision Making

Keywords: decision, decision making, decide, solution, goal, resources, final decision;

This mind map can help you visualize all the information regarding a decision, by providing you with a clear overview that will support you in the process of making the choice.

Solution 3

Solution 4


After considering all the options and balancing out the advantages and disadvantages, write down your final decision here.


Solution 2

Solution 1

Add here all the resources, information, pros, and cons of your potential solution.

By gathering all this information in one place, it becomes easier to identify the best possible solution that will help you reach your goals.



Add your goals here. Having the goals on the same page as your solution makes it easier to oversee the whole process and choose the best solution.


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