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Decision Tree Template

Decision Tree Template

Decision trees will help you visualize all alternative choices and their outcomes to make a better decision.

Keywords: personal life, decision tree, alternative choices, decision making

Decision Tree Template

Decision tree template

Create a decision tree to help you in the decision-making process or use this decision tree template to visualize all the alternatives when you have to make a decision. Take into account that there might be some chance events that will influence your results.

Option 1 or 2?

It often happens that we face decisions. The best you can do is to consider all options and make a conscious choice.

Add your options here!

Option 2

Indentify the possibilities of the option 2.

Outcome 5

Identify the possibilities of the option 2.

Outcome 4

Option 1

Each branch represents an alternate course of a decision.

Possibility 2/chance event

Keep in mind that chance events might happen.

Possibility 2

Outcome 3

Plan out the possibilities of these events.

Outcome 2

Base the outcomes for different decisions on the current information available to you. Don't try to identify all the possibilities with all the outcomes, just those which are relevant to you!

Possibility 1

Identify the possibilities of the option 1.

Outcome 1

Base the outcomes for different decisions on the current information available to you. Don't try to identify all the possibilities with al the outcomes, just those which are relevant to you!

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