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How to discuss ideas

How to discuss ideas

Organize brainstorming sessions to see if it's worth investing time in implementing a certain idea.

Keywords: communication, brainstorming session, questions, ideation

How to discuss ideas

How to discuss ideas

Learn how to discuss ideas with this brainstorming template.

At first, you have to come up with a new idea. If you are not sure it is a good idea, complete this template together with your colleagues before investing your time and money in something that you are not sure about. Adding questions in this template, and finding the response to them will help you and your team to find out if your ideas are worth to be put into practice.

You will have to add the following types of questions:

‘What’ questions

‘Where’ questions

‘How’ questions

‘Why’ questions

‘When’ questions

‘Who’ questions

What is your new idea?

Type in your idea.

Make sure it can be supported by strong arguments.

"Who" questions

Use 'Who' questions to ask about what persons will be involved.

"Who" question

Type in your question or choose from the ones below:

Who will work on this idea?Who will benefit from this idea?

"When" questions

Use 'When' questions to ask about time.

"When" question

Type in your question or choose from the ones below:

When will you start implementing this idea?When will you see the final result?

"Why" questions

Use 'Why' questions to ask for reasons.

"Why" question

Type in your question or choose from the ones below:

Why do you want to implement this idea?Why do you think it will work?

"How" questions

Use 'How' questions to ask about the manner and condition.

"How" question

Type in your question or choose from the ones below:

How will you implement this idea?How did you think of this idea?How can you help the company with this idea?How did your competitors implement this idea?

"Where" questions

Use 'Where' questions to ask about the place.

"Where" question

Type in your question or choose from the ones below:

Where will you implement this idea?Where will you find the resources?

"What" questions

Use 'What' questions to ask for more information about the idea.

"What" question

Type in your question or choose from the ones below:

What have you done so far for this idea?What steps should you take?

Type in the answer to the question.

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