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Impact vs Effort Matrix

Impact vs Effort Matrix

Use this mind map to manage your time more efficiently. Evaluate activities based on the level of effort required and the potential impact or benefits they will have.

Keywords: personal life, time management, activities evaluation, effort vs impact

Impact vs Effort Matrix

Impact vs Effort matrix template

Use this impact vs. effort matrix to evaluate your activities based on the effort and the level of impact they will have.

The activities are divided into four categories:

High efforts & High impact activities

High efforts & Low impact activities

Low efforts & Low impact activities

Low effort & High impact activities

High efforts & High impact activities will bring you long-term profit but can be more difficult to execute. These are your major projects.

High efforts & Low impact activities are time wasters. They will require a lot of effort but will not offer you the impact you need. Try not to concentrate on this type of activity.

Low efforts & Low impact activities do not require a lot of effort, but also do not offer many benefits.

Low effort & High impact activities are the best of all of them, also called the quick wins. Focus on completing these ones first.

Efforts vs Impact Matrix

The Effort vs Impact Matrix is a simple yet powerful tool to make clear what all your priorities should be.

Low efforts & Low impact

Fill ins

Don’t require a lot of effort but neither do they offer many benefits.

Low effort & High impact

Quick wins

Activities that give the best return based on the effort. They are valuable and fundamental to your success. Focus on these actions and complete them before anything else.

High efforts & Low impact

Not worth it

Time-consuming activities with low impact that should be avoided.

Time wasters

High efforts & High impact

Major projects

Provide long term profit but may be more complex to execute.

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Buru-mapenek ideiak egiten laguntzen dute, kontzeptuen arteko harremanak ezartzen, ideiak antolatzen eta sortzen.

Hala ere, buru-mapen txantiloiak hasteko modu errazagoa eskaintzen dute, irakasgai zehatz bati buruzko informazioa duten markoak baitira jarraibide orientatzaileak. Funtsean, buru-mapen txantiloiak irakasgai zehatz baten elementu guztiak batzen dituen egitura bermatzen du eta zure buru-mapa pertsonalerako abiapuntu gisa balio du. Gai jakin bati buruzko mapa mentala sortzeko irtenbide praktikoa emateko baliabideak dira, bai negozioetarako, bai hezkuntzarako.

Mulquatrok esfortzurik gabe funtzionatzeko eta pentsatzeko aukera ematen duten buru-mapen txantiloi adimendunak eskaintzen dizkizu.

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Mulquatroren negozio- edo hezkuntza-kontuetako buru-mapen txantiloietatik aukera dezakezu, edo zure buru-mapa txantiloiak sor ditzakezu hutsetik. Edozein buru-mapa adimen-mapa txantiloi-mapa bihur daiteke bere gaietako bati gida-ohar gehiago gehituz.