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PESTLE Analysis Template

PESTLE Analysis Template

PESTLE analysis is a framework or instrument for analyzing and monitoring macro-environmental variables which may have a deep effect on the performance of an organization. This tool is particularly useful when starting a new business or entering a foreign market.

Keywords: business analysis, PESTLE analysis, analyzing and monitoring, macro-environmental variables

PESTLE Analysis Template

How to make PESTLE analysis - template

The PESTLE Analysis is a tool for analyzing and monitoring the variables that can have a deep effect on the organization’s performance. This PESTLE analysis template is a useful instrument for strategic planning when you are starting a new business or entering a foreign market.

PESTLE stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental.

You will have to take into account and type in the template the following factors:

Political factors

Economic factors

Social factors

Technological influences

Legal influences

Environmental/ ecological factors

Where to next?

Where to next?

After completing your PESTLE mind map, you can use it to develop strategies and actions to help your organization understand, anticipate and respond to changes.

Organization name

A PESTLE analysis examines key areas to consider when looking for sources of change that will impact an organisation.

Begin by entering your organization name in the central topic, then press Enter to continue.

Technological influences

Technological factor

Technological factors can be split into two groups:

Add a technological factor that may affect your organization.

Consider both horizontal and vertical factors if your industry is based on some kind of technology.

Legal influences

Legal factor

Legal constraints define the framework in which organizations operate. Increasingly, organizations are affected by laws originating from other countries.

Add a legal factor that may affect your organization.

Environmental /ecological influences

Environmental factor

Environmental and ecological factors are increasingly important and can impact the strategies and behavior of organizations.

Add an environmental factor that can influence your organization.

Socio-Cultural influences

Socio-cultural factor

Socio-cultural factors arise from customers and potential customers.
Changes in market conditions, trends, fashions and habits can all have an effect in customers' decisions.

Add a socio-cultural factor that can affect your organization.

Economic influences

Economic factor

Economic factors may originate from the wider economy and markets, or from local financial services.
Globalization means that economic conditions in one country can influence another.

Add an economic factor that could influence your organization.

Political influences

Political factor

Government policies and initiatives can impact organizations, especially those connected with public services.
As globalization increases, political factors may arise from other countries too - such as increasing influence within the European Union.

Add a political factor that could influence your organization.

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