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Reframing matrix

Reframing matrix

The Reframing Matrix is a systematic way of brainstorming around a situation from different perspectives and of disrupting thinking patterns that are stuck in the same channels.

Keywords: business analysis, brainstorming, examining situation, product perspective, planning perspective, potential perspective, people perspective

Reframing matrix

Reframing matrix

The reframing matrix is a way of brainstorming that can help you solve a problem. Use this template to think about a situation from different perspectives: planning perspective, people perspective, potential perspective, and product perspective. If you ask people with different experiences it expands the range of creative solutions that you can generate.

Where to next?

Completing your Reframing Matrix helps you to move forward with ideas for action, and can give the possibility to unblock problem-solving processes.

You can ensure that future plans embrace other perspectives and considerations.

Situation to be examined

What situation are you examining?

Type in the name of the situation that you are examining with the Reframing Matrix, and press Enter.

The situation could be a problem, an opportunity, a threat, a weakness or any issue that needs action.

People perspective

Brainstorm points around 'Situation to be examined' from the perspective of people.

Potential perspective

Brainstorm points around 'Situation to be examined' from the perspective of future potential.

Product perspective

Brainstorm points around 'Situation to be examined' from the perspective of products and services.

Planning perspective

Add a key point

Brainstorm points around 'Situation to be examined' from the perspective of planning and actions.

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