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Word search for kids

Word search for kids

Use this 'Word search' game to challenge your brain. Go on a word hunt!

Keywords: interactive exercises, word search game

Word search for kids

'Word search' for kids

This 'word search' for kids is a game where kids should find names of books, flowers, animals, persons, towns, countries, food, sports, toys, and games.

The word search game, also called word search puzzle challenge your brain to find hidden words.

Like any other word puzzle, in this game, you can find words across, up and down, or diagonally.

Word search

Try to find as many hidden words as you can.

There is more than one option for each section.

The letters of the words can appear across, up and down, or diagonally.

Game name

Type in the name of the game you have found.

Toy name

Type in the name of the toy you have found.

Sport name

Type in the name of the sport you have found.

Food name

Type in the name of the food you have found.

Country name

Type in the name of the country you have found.

Town name

Type in the name of the town you have found.

Person name

Type in the name of the person you have found.

Animal name

Type in the name of the animal you have found.

Flower name

Type in the name of the flower you have found.

Book name

Type in the name of the book you have found.

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