by G Hood 5 years ago
Gavin hood
Various digital tools and platforms are designed to enhance student learning through interactive and creative methods. For instance, WebKinz Digital Movie allows students to create stories using their WebKinz accounts and watch their narratives come to life with WebKinz actors.
Gavin hood
Portfolio Powerpoint
Games Are created using
PowerPoint that
allows students
to review concepts
or topic before a test Flash
Game a way for students
to learn concepts
taught in a fun and
interactive way Flipbook is a tool
found on the
website that can be
used as a template to
organize info that helps
students learn and study
new topics a visual concept
map that can be
used as a review
before a test that
has great organizational
strategies Google Maps can help enhance
learning of a topic
and increase writing,
technology, and organizational
skills Animoto is a creative way
to introduce a topic
or concept for teachers
and/or students Spelling City Is a website
that helps improve
student learning and
retention of spelling
and/or vocabulary words TimeToast Great way to
provide a visual for
dates and timelines
that will support the
concepts being taught Online Certificates are great tools
to provide students
with encouragement
and support Photostory 3 is a great way
to make short
movies that can
intro concepts
even yourself WebKinz
Movie lets students use their
WebKinz account to create
a story and get WebKinz
actors to perform the story Lets students write their own
scripts for the characters to
perform against music and animations
to help with writing and tech skills VoiceThread A different way of
showing your powerpoint
or video you have created
that allows students, parents,
or teacher to comment and view
at home Snow is a creative
way to look
at pictures while
adding falling snow
and music to a Powerpoint Smartboard An interactive
screen that allows
students and teachers
to use tech with movements
and fun lessons example