by Yerin Han 6 years ago
Rhabdomyolysis with Crush Injury
A medical condition that results from the breakdown of muscle tissue can lead to significant complications, including kidney damage and electrolyte imbalances. This condition often follows muscle trauma or prolonged compression, causing the release of intracellular contents such as myoglobin into the bloodstream.
Renal ischemia Free radical formation Non-pharmacologic interventions Pharmacologic interventions Hyperphosphatemia Hypocalcemia Aggressively correct hypovolemia metabolic acidosis Mannitol Myalgia and weakness Buildup of lactic acid Muscle Ischemia Treat hypokalemia Acute tubular necrosis Strict I&Os Monitor Labs Fluid management RAAS activation, SNS activation, ADH release Renal constriction Allopurinol Hypovolemia Half-isotonic saline with sodium bicarbonate Low pH of urine Decrease in GFR Distal tubular obstruction Filtered through kidneys Causes myoglobinuria Buildup causes cast formation Release of intracellular contents into the bloodstream Nucleotides liver increase of uric acid in kidneys Cardiac Arrhythmias Myoglobin Hyperkalemia Compression of muscle due to inelastic fascia Crush injury Muscle swelling due to trauma Lysis of skeletal muscle cells Compartment Syndrome Nursing interventions Increased uric acid concentration? Rhabdomyolysis