Sentences and Orders Exercise
What happens next?-Explaining the youth custody process
Criminal Courts # 1 - A General Outline
Be the Judge
Online activuity
You be the Judge
Sentencing Exercise
What personalities ate there in court
How much can the courts impose
Sentencing Guidelines
How Offenders are Sentenced in England and Wales
Arriving at a Sentence
Recovering from crime – restorative justice in action
Giving victims a voice - restorative justice
Moving on - a short film about restorative justice
Types of Sentence
Orders Booklet Review
Identify the available sentences for a given, known or fictional crime using the internet
Sentences and Orders
How sentences are identified by the courts
Who specifies the sentences and why?
Types of Sentences
Notetaking on Worksheet
Review Mulquatro Map
Youth Measures
Youth, Pre-court measures, Antisocial behaviour measures, Sentences (financial penalties, community sentences, custodial sentences),
Police cautions, warnings and penalty notices
Dealing wit Minor Crimes
Mindmap Sentences and orders-include restotative justice if not already discussed
Why might someone be discharged?
Magistrates and Crown Court sentencing powers
Restorative Justice
Discuss effectiveness of restorative justice
Restorative justice Presentation-Guest Speaker
Orders-Compensation orders, Child safety orders, Parenting orders, Reparation orders, Supervision orders, Antisocial behaviour orders, Restriction of liberty orders, Community Rehabilitation Orders
Research types of orders
Prison Population Figures
What then does Mitigate Mean?
What does Aggravate Mean?
What would the impact of longer sentences be?
Should we give criminals worse sentences?
What is Sentencing for?
Murder of Joe Geeling
Bulger Twins
Discussion(Doli Incapax)
Set Objectives
Describe the factors that may affect a sentencing decsion
Identify what sentences and orders can be given
Understand hor the courts arrive at sentences